About this blog

This blog is intended to serve as a form of communication between the Department of Geography and Anthropology and its alumni, students, and the regional community with interests in what we do. 

As the chair's blog, it is intended to serve as way of sharing developments, news,  announcements, and information as they develop. Every year, we try to organize a departmental newsletter, and every year, we are overwhelmed with the work needed to include everything we want to include.  Maybe, with this blog, we can relieve the pressure of having to prepare an all encompassing newsletter, yet serve the same purposes.  The emphasis is on communicating and trying to support a network of geographers and anthropologists that have connections to UWEC, to share what we are doing and learning, and to grow as a community.  In highlighting what we are doing, I like to think that we can inspire and support each other as geographers and anthropologists.

As my blog, it will retain a certain informality, subjectivity, and, probably, quirkiness.  It does not purport to represent the Department, but provide a window on it through me.  In fact, I must be very clear that all my posts are my own opinion and may not reflect the views of the Department or of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

So, if you have read this and have suggestions, or questions, or wish to know more about something you have read here -- or would like to read about here -- please contact me.

From the homepage of the Chair's Blog, you can choose to receive blog posts as emails.  This may may be a nice way of receiving updates as they are posted, rather than having to remember to check the blog every now and then.

Thanks for visiting the site, and I look forward to being in touch with you.


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