That's what Fluvial Geomorphologists do

Doug Faulkner with Taylor Limburg and Katie Grong. Taylor and Katie are conducting student-faculty research with Faulkner this summer. The research is supported by UWEC's Office of Research and Sponsored Programs with Blugold Funding. Photo by Shane Opatz, UWEC. At the April 2019 American Association of Geographers' (AAG) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., members of our department received a significant academic honor. Doug Faulkner, Phil Larson (a 2008 graduate and now associate professor at Minnesota State - Mankato), Harry Jol, Garry Running, and colleagues in Indiana and Nebraska received the G. K. Gilbert Award for Excellence in Geomorphological Research for an article published in Geomorphology . To read the article, or just to revel in its excellence, click here: Autogenic incision and terrace formation resulting from abrupt late-glacial base-level fall, lower Chippewa River, Wisconsin, USA . Not only does this major journal article...