Department Honors in Geography and Anthropology -- Approved & Launched

Per the previous post, the Department of Geography and Anthropology is very pleased to announce that the University Honors Council has given final approval to our program for department honors.  We thank Jeff Vahlbusch, Director, University Honors and the Honors Council for their suggestions to refine our program.  With their help, our department honors is open to majors and minors.  In other words, we now have Department Honors in both Geography AND Anthropology.  As Joey Quintana, UWEC/GEOG '14, recently wrote when he learned of our department honors,

      I love the new opportunity for students through the Departmental Honors program. 
      I think it will help spark creative thinking, foster new more in-depth 
      learning process, and help great students become superb geographers.

Moreover, with the selfless effort and expertise of Beth Kranz in LTS, in consultation with our ADA Yvonne Plomedahl, our department has launched UW-Eau Claire's first eform application process for department honors.  

To apply for department honors, prospective students (see criteria below) need only go to UW-Eau Claire's eform site, click on the Start New Form tab, and find Geography and Anthropology Dept from the Select Dept pull-down menu.  The Geography Honors application form is right there.  One can start it, save it to finish at a later date, and hit the submit button when completed.  Very convenient.

The criteria for department honors, as they will appear in the University Catalog, is as follows:

The Department of Geography and Anthropology encourages and creates opportunities for all of its students to participate in research and creative learning activities with department faculty. Especially motivated and high-achieving students are invited to pursue Departmental Honors in Geography or Anthropology. The Departmental Honors enhances students’ undergraduate experience, recognizes outstanding work and achievement, and can open up exceptional educational and professional opportunities.
Must be a declared major or minor, have completed the core introductory courses (GEOG 104, 111, 178, and 200 or ANTH 161, 165, 169, and an area course), and have resident and major/minor GPAs of at least 3.50.

Application Procedures:
Student applicants should submit an electronic application for Departmental Honors in Geography or Anthropology to the Department Chair – through the applicant’s advisor – for approval as soon as interested and eligible, but no later than prior to the start of the student’s final semester before graduation.  Department faculty and staff may also identify qualified students and encourage them to apply.  The eform application should elaborate on professional activities, research interests, and aspirations; an unofficial copy of transcripts should be attached.  Final approval and recommendation for Departmental Honors will be made following satisfactory completion of of all requirements (see below). Please see the Department Chair for more information and application details.

(1) Conduct research and disseminate results:  Satisfactorily complete one substantial faculty-student research collaboration in Geography or Anthropology that results in (a) a presentation at a regional, national, or international professional conference; and (b) an oral presentation to be given to at least three members of the faculty in such forums as departmental capstone presentations, regional conferences, UW-Eau Claire’s annual Provost’s Honors Symposium or professionally comparable venues.
(2) Satisfactorily complete GEOG 401 Capstone:  Honors Section or ANTH 499, to include a thesis or substantial paper written under the supervision of a Geography or Anthropology faculty member, or publish collaborative research results (see Requirement #1) in a peer-reviewed journal.
(3) Maintain a 3.5 cumulative resident GPA and a 3.5 GPA in Geography or Anthropology courses.

NOTE: Names of Departmental Honors graduates must be forwarded to the University Honors Program Director and Registrar at least three weeks prior to commencement.


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